The Love of Marisol is a beautiful short story that publishers, Wattle Publishing, brought to our attention. It is a short story of love, loss and the possibility of a new love, that will truly eat away at you.
Synopsis: When Leo’s marriage ends, he falls into the depths of depression. He decides to escape the loss and the heartbreak with a trip to the other side of the world – Lima, Peru. In some ways, his journey becomes an unexpected salvation as his passions are reignited by the local food and people, the climate and the beautiful and alluring Marisol. The Love of Marisol is a poignant and passionate journey of heartbreak, loss but most of all self-discovery… it reminds us that at the end of one love story, there is always the possibility of a new one…
The Love of Marisol is a profoundly emotive read, exploring the effects of romance, love and divorce on the main character, Leo. Initially, Leo is in great pain and has a deep sense of loss that leaves him feeling empty and lonely, and even small, in this big wide world.
Leo is hurt so much that he feels he will never love again or experience love again. And, another factor for Leo is his 3yr old son. This has a detrimental effect on his thoughts even more, as he knows that his ex-wife will one day meet a new love and over time this new love may also be living with her and his son. His son will have a new father figure and where will that leave Leo?
The beautiful description, from the author of these emotions and reactions that Leo has, really pulls the reader in. It is a story many can relate to and it is written very much in a realistic tone, almost biographical, where the main character opens his mind, questions his thoughts and others’ actions of love and their views.
Not only this, but The Love of Marisol is also an adventurous, travelling story. Leo questions why he is travelling but knows no matter where he goes the heavy feeling and slow, short breathing will follow him. He is taking a trip to Lima to meet with his cousin. Although the reader senses how lost he is, he knows he needs to get up and do something, go somewhere, and this might be just what he needs.
During his stay in Peru, Leo speaks with his cousin, Dom, meets Dom’s friends and beautiful women. He hears Dom’s, and his friend’s, stories of their love experiences. All of the opinions and experiences make him ponder over his situation. But it is the beautiful, Marisol, that helps him to open his mind and begin contemplating other possibilities for his future, than the dark, lonely path he believed he would take a few days ago.
The reader is left contemplating many of the views expressed by Leo and the people he encounters. Who is right? Is it different for everyone? Reading this narrative certainly made me dig deep to seek my true feelings and beliefs on love, as well as the long-lasting relationships we have.
The Love of Marisol is extremely touching, beautifully written, and realistic. It will reach out to your soul and make you explore your thoughts, remind you of past loves and experiences. It may even open your heart!
A copy of The Love of Marisol was provided by Wattle Publishing for the purpose of an honest and fair review.
The Love of Marisol by Christos Toulouras is available at Amazon UK and Amazon US.
Reviewed by Caroline Barker